How does one define a book? Merely as sheets of paper bound together with fictional or well non-fictional content perhaps. It is so much more than that. It can be something that imparts knowledge or shares wisdom. It is all on the reader. Of course, anyone can write a book in any genre they prefer. Any person writing their biography, to someone writing a guide, to maybe even writing about exceptional customer support as the likes of Comcast customer service. There are no limits.
Whenever people are taking on book reading as a habit, or maybe just looking out for some suggestions they always begin with the ‘life-changing’ content. Thousands of books are always in the publishing process every day or there are releases of several every day, but that one book that stands out comes rarely.
A piece that you can never forget, a story that breaks your heart, of an unmatched friendship of a rich Afghan boy and his servant’s son. The novel was New York Times bestseller and is still loved by millions of readers as it reflects on how his people have been struggling and still are subject to violence by forces that continue to threaten them even to date. Khaled transporters the reader back to Afghanistan in a timeline of cruelty and destruction. This puissant story of friendship reflects the great power of reading, redemption, and the cost of betrayal. Since the release of this one-of-a-kind novel in 2003 has touched millions of hearts of readers and gave America one of its most treasured writers.
This too is an international bestseller this inspiring tale of self-discovery has sold over 80 million copies worldwide and has transformed the lives of millions of readers across generations. This piece tells the story of Santiago and an Andalusian shepherd boy who is eager to travel searching for worldly treasures. Despite the harshness, fear, and uncertainty his journey leads him far beyond his wildest expectations moreover the journey he took taught the readers the need to follow their hearts listen to its wisdom, seek opportunities, and most importantly follow our dreams.
Another New York Times bestseller, Sapiens. Yuval has pen downed both the history and evolution of this planet and the people who lived on this planet “homo sapiens”. It enhances our understanding of what it means to be human by exploring how biology and history have defined us. It tells us about our ancestors those we shared with the chimpanzees and how we evolved through that. It sheds light on the industrial revolution and capitalism in their rawest sense. He also takes a swing on our current situation on how humans have begun to become to bend laws of natural selection that have governed life for the past four billion years. By the mention of humanity’s biggest frauds, Yuval also brings up the latest technological advancements including the advent of cyborgs. We are acquiring the ability to design not only the world around us but also ourselves. Sapiens is said to be the story of everything.
In the list of books that will change your life, Sapiens is the one with the highly recommended stamp on it.
Since its Publications in 1947, this book has been read by tens of millions of people all over the world. It is without a doubt one of the most treasured documentation of the twentieth century. The book is about the personal notes of a 13 years old girl who was fleeing with her family from the horrors of the Nazis. She hid in German-occupied Amsterdam and later died in Auschwitz where she died. The heart-breaking diary of a young girl remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the unbreakable nature of the human spirit. The book gives the reader the perspective to appreciate what’s around us and live on. The book is surrounded by positive ideas of love, freedom of opinion, and goodness.
Read this book when you can’t find meaning in anything, it will help find some perspective
This international Bestseller is just as relevant today as it was when it was first published in 1946.
The book has been translated into more than fifty languages and sold over sixteen million copies. Yet again another holocaust book. The Book reflects down to the remarkable journey of an Auschwitz concentration camp survivor the author himself. The book certainly has won millions of hearts of readers and has become an enduring work of survival literature. The book has offered solace and guidance to generations of readers through Victor’s time in the Nazi concentration camp and his exploration of the human will to find meaning despite the horrors they struck. The book builds towards the idea of finding meaning to what’s Infront of them and to doing what time calls for. It’s a discovery and pursuit of what an individual finds meaningful. Despite all obstacles, the book inspires generations to find significance in every act of living.
Read this book if you need reassurance that you are right where you belong.
If you are an avid reader, then you might have read these already, but must surely agree to their presence in this list. Nonetheless, these books are masterpieces that are to be read by everyone and anyone.
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