Global Mail Exchange or GMX is a free advertising-supported email platform that offers incomparable high-speed emailing experience with a commitment of outstanding security.
Over the years, being a sister company of 1&1 Internet, GMX has built a loyal fan base by offering easy sign-up, user-friendly webmail interface, excellent email features like automatic spam filters and one of the world’s most secure email accounts.
So, if you also have heard about the same and want to have an email account on GMX platform then, consider this blog that will give you a handy guide not only about how you can sign-up but also about the correct procedure of how you can sign-in to your GMX account easily. So, have a look—
Execute These Steps to Sign-up for GMX Mail Account
Step 1: To begin the process of signing up for an email account on GMX Mail, you’ve to reach its official website via this link “” using your regular-used internet browser.
Step 2: Once you reach there on the homepage of GMX Mail website, locate the grey-colored “Sign-up” which is there in the upper-right corner of the screen and simply click on the same.
Step 3: In doing so, you’ll be navigated on the “GMX Account Creation Page.” On the same page, what you need to do is you’ve to fill the GMX account registration form.
Step 4: To begin entering your details in the available form, first enter a unique “Username” in front of the ‘’ suffix. This is to be done to create an email ID for your future GMX account.
Step 5: In continuation, you also have to click on the “Check button” to ensure whether the username that you’ve entered to become a part of your GMX account ID, is available or already taken by someone else. If not available, select one from the close alternatives that GMX will provide thereafter.
Step 6: Moving further onto the “Personal Details” section, enter the following personal details of yours—
Your Gender
Your First Name
Your Last Name,
Your Country,
Your State &
Your Date Of Birth.
Step 7: Then, what next you’ve to do is create a “Password” for your GMX email account that will keep your account safe online and enter the same chosen password again in the “Repeat Password’s text-field” to confirm it. However, while creating the same, make sure it should include—
1 Numeric Character
1 Special Character &
Minimum 8 Characters
Step 8: After that, not forget to select the “Password Recovery options” either by tick-marking the “By SMS” or/and “By Email” box because only this will going to act as your GMX account’s security credentials to help you in the future with resetting and recovering of your password and username.
Step 9: In addition to whatever option you’ll select, you’ll be asked to provide either of the followings—
Your Mobile Number
Your Secondary Email Address
Step 10: Last but not least, you’ve to confirm that you’re not a robot and for that, tick the box which is next to the ‘Google Security reCaptcha Form.’
Step 11: Now, as per the last sign-up step, make sure to read the ‘GMX’s Terms and Conditions’ that are there mentioned on the same page. And, after you finish reading the same, click on ‘I agree. Create an email account’ –green colored button to complete the sign-up procedure of creating your very own GMX email account.
Once you’re done executing all these above steps, you’ll be all set to access your GMX email account with the help of following step-by-step sign-in procedure:
Execute These Steps to Sign-in to GMX Mail Account
Step 1: First and foremost, open your regular used web browser on your respective device.
Step 2: Then, type or paste this “” link in your browser’s URL address bar.
Step 3: After entering the web-link of login page, hit the enter button. This command will take you to the official “GMX My Account Login Page” which you can even bookmark to easily get access the same in your next attempt.
Step 4: Now, on the login-form enter details of your respective GMX account. To do so, type your GMX email ID in the “Email Address-text box” and similarly, type your GMX account’s password in the “Password-text field.”
Step 5: Once you’re done entering the details that are associated with your GMX account, note that—In case, if appeared, you can also tick-mark the box next to the text— “Remember Me” to let your browser remembers your GMX account’s login details and auto-fill the same next time you login to your account.
Step 6: Now, move ahead and click on the blue-colored “Log-in” button. In doing so, you’ll be directed on to your GMX account’s inbox page. Well, from here, you’re good to go to manage your account as well as all your GMX emails.
So, this is the entire-step-by-step ‘sign-in’ process that you’ve to implement for accessing your GMX email account. However, note that there’ll times when, despite executing the correct login-procedure, you may find yourself unable to get into your GMX account. Well, if wondering why then, let’s tell you that it’s simply because of GMX web login-issues that occur mostly due to entering the wrong or incorrect password that is associated with your GMX account.
Thus, in such an unfortunate case, where you no longer remember your account password, click on the “Can’t access your account?” link which is available beneath the login button on the “GMX login page” itself. In doing so, you’ll reach onto the “GMX Help Center Page.” There, you’ve to click on the “Forgot Your Password” category and the “Continue” button. By doing so, you’ll be able to get the “GMX’s Contact Us Form” that will help you in resetting your GMX account password.
That’s all! This is how, who don’t have an account on GMX, can easily create one using “GMX Mail Sign-up Procedure” and those who already have or just created recently, can login to their respective GMX email account by rightly executing the steps of the given “GMX Mail Sign-in Procedure.”