How do you know it’s time to take a break? What body signals should you pay attention to?

Sometimes even a “sleep marathon” over the weekend is not enough to rejuvenate.

What is fatigue? It is not so easy to answer this question. Some will say that this is a feeling of weakness; for others, fatigue manifests as apathy and unwillingness to do anything. In scientific terms, fatigue is a complex of symptoms, and sometimes we misread them. The body signals that it’s time to pause on 22 and slow down the pace of life, and we continue to run and plan 10 things simultaneously. We talk about how you cannot ignore manifestations of fatigue.

Sleep Changes

The nature of sleep changes if a person experiences increased fatigue. For example, there are changes in sleep structure and problems with falling asleep. You can fall asleep very quickly but wake up after 2-3 hours. Such awakenings during the night can happen more than once. And they have nothing to do with the need to go to the toilet or, say, drink. At night, as if the work process continues, thinking about problems, the head “does not turn off.”

Often we provoke sleep disorders: for example, in the evening, instead of going to bed, we watch movies, sit on social networks, and read. As a result, we go to bed very late, and in the morning, there is no tone, performance is reduced.

In any case, poor sleep is an occasion to consult a doctor and find out the problem. If it is explained by overwork, it is necessary to take measures, including because melatonin and growth hormone levels in the body decrease. They are essential as antioxidants, as anti-age hormones – sleep problems lead to premature age-related changes.

Decreased Concentration and Performance

Sometimes we try to solve several problems simultaneously and realize that we cannot solve them. The fact is that the brain can be compared to a working computer. If you have 20-30 windows open simultaneously, your computer will run slowly. In this analogy, it is better to focus on solving one problem and then move on to the next. But due to overwork, this does not always work out.

Fatigue leads to the depletion of neurotransmitters – substances involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, which is why the signals in the brain are slower. As a result, memory, and reaction worsen, we adapt poorly to changing conditions and do not keep up with speed dictated by the rhythm of work. If you see that you constantly make elementary mistakes, if you cannot remember the information that you have received recently, names, titles, this is a signal that you need to take a break.

Chronic Fatigue

Let’s say you went to bed on time, slept for 8-9 hours, but still feel overwhelmed. Sometimes this is because sleep is superficial. But the feeling of lack of energy can be after a full sleep. And it is explained by a change in the hormonal background, which occurs against the background of chronic overwork.

The adrenal glands cannot maintain hormone production due to stress. The number of sex hormones decreases, especially at 40-45 years and older. This is superimposed on a decrease in hormone levels, and everything in the complex negatively affects overall well-being. Yes, and the thyroid gland against the background of chronic stress begins to work worse.

If you experience fatigue constantly, you need to check what it is connected with and whether you have dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Frequent Illnesses

It happens that in 2-3 months, you have a runny nose several times, your throat constantly hurts, there may be a slight temperature. It seems that this is not quite a disease, you continue to work, but the feeling of ill health does not disappear.

If the immune system has failed, this is a sign that the adrenal glands cannot cope with the increased load. Accordingly, the production level of hormones that adapt us to a stressful situation decreases. Therefore, if you often get sick for no particular reason, you need to be examined, take a blood test, and relax in the absence of violations.

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Unreasonable Irritability

Sometimes people, even because of a bit of irritation, instantly “turn on.” This may be a sign that against the background of an overload, magnesium reserves, a trace element essential for the nervous system, are significantly depleted. If you feel that you are constantly “on edge,” if colleagues and relatives begin to complain about you, if you come to your senses for a long time after emotional outbursts, this is an alarming bell. It is worth taking tests to identify and compensate for the deficiency of trace elements, such as vitamins of group B, which, against the background of psycho-emotional overloads, are required in large quantities.

Frequent Headaches

Tension headaches (after mental exertion or stress) may be associated with vasospasm. It occurs against the background of the constant production of stress hormones, including adrenaline and norepinephrine. In addition to headaches, you experience dizziness, especially with a sudden change in body position. This may be due to insufficient exposure to fresh air, for example. But the same symptoms can signal health problems, such as anemia or problems with the central nervous system. If frequent headaches appear in the background of overwork and dizziness, be sure to go to the doctor, take a blood test, and consult a neurologist.

Apathy, and Asthenia

Sometimes we seem to live in a “groundhog day,” a monotonous sequence of actions that is repeated every day. We understand that something needs to be done, but there is no time, no desire, no strength left for ourselves. Such a rhythm of life undoubtedly leads to psychological deviations from episodes of depression. This may be because the body lacks dopamine (it motivates us) and serotonin (brings joy). Their presence allows you to work with enthusiasm expecting a good result, and their absence gives rise to a feeling of routine.

But maybe it’s not just about dopamine and serotonin. To this may be added a psychological disorder that requires correction. Asthenia differs from ordinary fatigue in that it does not go away after a short rest. If we do not recover after the weekend, it is no longer just fatigue. And only a doctor can decide whether the body needs medical support or just rest.

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