Top 5 Unique Stone Earplug

Stone earplugs are great and beautiful pieces of jewelry that one can use for their stretched ears. These plugs have unique designs and can be safely placed on ear lobes, except when freshly stretched and not fully healed. Stone earplugs offer a style that can be suitable for some, coming in various designs and details that can surely attract just about anyone. Here are some excellent stone earplugs that could add style and fashion to just about anyone.

These earplugs can add to your summer style.

Labradorite Stone Plugs

Labradorite Stone Ear Plugs are among the most stylish stone earplugs out there, and this double flare has a slight convex finish, slate grey base body with indigo, blue, green, and orange striations. These stone ear plug colors flash when they are in any light source. These stone earplugs come in pairs and are made of organic materials. The size for this earplug also varies, so it can be customized to fit stretched ears of all sizes.

Amaranth Dragon’s Eye Plugs

These earplugs are indeed a unique pair. The amaranth dragon’s eye glints with wines, crimsons, violets, and white when exposed to the light. The tuneful and velvet hue of the amaranth earplugs shows the dragon fire. These plugs come with a mild kind of double flare and flat area finish that makes them safe and convenient for usage. It is also available as a teardrop plug and a tunnel. However, these stone earplugs are delicate because they are created from glass.

Rose Quartz Teardrop Plugs

These elegant-looking stone earplugs come as precious rose quartz in mild pink stones. These teardrop plugs are unique, and each pair is made individually, making it have a sense of uniqueness that makes every piece different from one another. Because this stone earplug is made with organic materials, slight variances are evident, same with all-natural jewelry made with organic materials.

Smoky Dragon’s Eye Teardrop Plugs

The smoky dragon’s eye teardrop has one of the alluring designs when it comes to stone ear drops; it also features a sense of mystery that makes the jewelry intriguing. The smoke features a lustrous purple-grey that represents nostalgia and memory. When in light, it glistens with softer greys, making it resemble satin’s texture. This earplug is also available as a round plug or a tunnel.

Green Striped Agate Plugs

This stone earplug has striped greens pouring between shades of gentle jade and deep emerald. It has polished plugs that are carved and dyed from natural agate stone that features a double flare and a smooth surface that makes it safe and comfortable for use. Agate is a raw material that makes the color and appearance of the green striped agate plugs unique. Agate is one of the most frequently dyed stones, and this process is done by immersing a colorless agate in a liquid colorant. After that process, it is finished off by applying heat.

Key Takeaway

These are some of the best and most unique stone earplug designs to fit you and help with your fashion sense. Did you find one that suits your liking? If not, then do not worry! More stone ear plugs designs are out there that are guaranteed to take your attention. Consider getting these unique artistic pieces of jewelry and use them today!

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