After reading my guide on how Instagram works, you understand that this social network of photos is just for you. Now you want to know more and understand how to have lots of followers on Instagram. Your goal is to become a celebrity – a true influencer, in other words. If you see yourself in this description of me, you should read, I will tell you how to buy Instagram followers.

I can give you some advice on how to optimize your profile, through a few simple suggestions. Of course, we clarify that there is no real magic formula for success, but there are certainly many guidelines you can follow to increase the popularity of your photos.

In the following lines, I will talk to you in detail about which, I think, are the best tips you can follow to have more followers on Instagram. These will be general tips you can put into practice even if you are new to the app and not an expert photographer. You’ll know that the key to success on Instagram isn’t just posting beautiful photos. Are you ready? All right let’s get started; I wish you a great read!

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Use Proper Hashtags

The first tip you should remember to have a lot of followers on Instagram is to use the hashtag. These are the tags that add tags to our shared photos, categorizing them. 

The purpose of the hashtag is primarily to summarize the subject of the image, but it is also metadata that allows it to reach a greater number of audiences, which increases the visibility of the shared content.

Instagram gives you the ability to put up to 30 hashtags per shared content, and media with hashtags generally gets more engagement from the audience. But be careful, because hashtags should not be entered randomly: instead, you should choose from the most relevant and popular. Many times Instagram users search for hashtags, to instantly identify what they’re interested in and find the next users to follow.

If for example, we decide to share one of our selfies, the hashtags we put on the photo should be relevant. If this is your first time using Instagram hashtags and you don’t know where to start to understand which hashtags to use, don’t worry, I can help you by pointing out some free tools.

To look for the most well-known hashtags, you can utilize sites or applications for cell phones and tablets. Among the most used is the website Main hashtag, the app for Android and iOS Like Tag, and the website also All hashtag.

Check out the list of most popular hashtags through one of the tools I recommend. If among the most popular hashtags there is someone following the content you want to share, use it without problems. The main advice I can give you on using hashtags should also be as specific as possible. Hashtags should be written in English, they don’t have to be translated, they are used this way all over the world.

Use Filters and Invent Your Style

One of the best tips I can give you is to have lots of followers on Instagram It’s all about the originality factor. If you want to be famous on Instagram you need to be noticed and to do so you must make sure to stand out from the crowd.

However, first of all, try to have clear ideas and define what kind of content you want to share and which audience you want to target. If, for example, you have a hobby or passion, you might consider putting it in the middle of your Instagram channel. 

When you find these answers, try to see if other Instagram users have the same passion as you, analyze their content, and think about how you can identify yourself. In other words, the suggestion is to understand how to convey your messages, but try to identify yourself. You will give a personal and original touch to your Instagram account.

I know it’s not easy to invent your style from scratch, but originality is the key to success. The trick is to publish content that has your signature, that is, an original and personal touch that is always recognizable to them. This way, users will stick with you and your style and will recognize your photos from everyone else. Take the time to be as creative as possible and tell stories through your account. You can see that people will be passionate.

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